My name is Brooke. I live in New York City. Just because my blog has naked in the title doesn't mean i'm a perve. Promise.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Stevie Nicks

The original Singing goddess

She is such a big influence on me. Her voice and stage presence are something I try to always keep in mind  in my performances. Her sense of style is also something that I adore.

Whenever I can't find something to wear I always just ask myself "What would Stevie do?"
And usually I end up with some flowing cape vest, something with lace and a touch a leather. Also Lots of stones and crystals. I'm never upset when I have these kinds of outfits on. Something about them makes me feel happier and more myself.

Stevie Nicks is one bad ass chick who's got some killer pipes. I would be in a crystal filled heaven if I met her.

 I had bought these moon drop earrings the other day from urban outfitters and when I saw them I was Like OMG STEVIE WOULD SO WEAR THESE. So of course I had to get them. I love em to death.

I think they all went too far. Their jeans got too low, their tops got too see-through. Personally, I think that sexy is keeping yourself mysterious. I'm really an old-fashioned girl, and I think I'm totally sexy.-Stevie Nicks

If you have stage fright, it never goes away. But then I wonder: is the key to that magical performance because of the fear?
-Stevie Nicks

I love these quotes. The last one rings true to me. I always get stage fright when I am about to perform but it's that fear that pushes me and I perform better than I ever could.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beautiful goodness

So far this week has been going pretty good. 
*I survived monday back from spring break
*Got compliments from one of my hard ass teachers(which made me super duper happy)
*My face is finally clearing up.(Thank goddess. Not cool face)
*I don't have sun poisoning!(which scared the shit out of me for a few days)
*Have eaten a lot of fruit. yayy no fat-ass food!
*The sun is shining more.(which is always a plus)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break part 2(Instagram magic)

I miss you spring break.

my baby <3

mimosas for Brunch!

I love my mommy

Cheesecake factory 

gettin' bronzed

swim bottoms of choice

Nostalgia: Little me on Easter

i'm the mermaid

model from day 1

Bracelet: Free People

my fancy french raspberry vodka


aww wittle Simba

seeing The Hunger Games. Soo good

the annual duckies in my pool

my beautiful little sister Serena

Serena and April

April being a mermaid

Good old Ocean Water from Sonic

NYC Days

the craft table right next to my apartment where they were shooting either a movie or a TV show

the prettiest building seen from 14th st