My name is Brooke. I live in New York City. Just because my blog has naked in the title doesn't mean i'm a perve. Promise.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Things I need to do/learn.

1. Get another tattoo
2. Learn how to longboard
3. grow my hair out longer
4. get more ombre going
5. Go vintage shopping
6. Get really really tan
7. Get a facial
8. Get more crazy stone rings
9. Get another ear piercing(Somewhere. I have no clue where.) 
10. Get my dark circles to go away so I can wear less makeup.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Get another tattoo: IM WITH YA
    2. Learn how to longboard: DONE. Its really easy.
    3. grow my hair out longer: AGREED
    4. get more ombre going: ILL PRAY FOR YOU
    5. Go vintage shopping: YESYESYESYES WITH YOU
    6. Get really really tan: ME TOO
    7. Get a facial: OMG YES I NEED
    8. Get more crazy stone rings: ALWAYS A FOREVER
    9. Get another ear piercing(Somewhere. I have no clue where.): AN ARTSY PLACE

    10. Get my dark circles to go away so I can wear less makeup.
