My name is Brooke. I live in New York City. Just because my blog has naked in the title doesn't mean i'm a perve. Promise.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Jolt of Happiness calls for Random Blog post.

I suddenly had a jolt of happiness. It was great. It was a prize.

I just realized I have tons of pictures from my friend's birthday to share along with other little things but I will get to those soon.


I will.

I really will.

Anyway my jolt of happiness demanded me that I share these beautiful pictures with you so you may be happy.
Also! There is like an 85 percent chance that I shall be going to europe over the summer with my dad and sisters. SO! There shall be many wonderful eye-sex pictures on here. Hence why some pictures down here look very parisian.  I'm pumped.

I would kill to live here. DREAM right hurr

tea with honey, drinking it in a little cafe with a cute paris....welll that would be the tits. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the drinking the tea&honey in paris in summer frocks.
