My name is Brooke. I live in New York City. Just because my blog has naked in the title doesn't mean i'm a perve. Promise.

Friday, May 25, 2012

America Photo shoot

My sister is a great photographer. She took these amazing shots of me.

I love the summery rustic vibe they give off.

These are just a few =)

Jacket is from LF

Monday, May 21, 2012


I read many fashion blogs for inspirations. I always find something amazing and interesting on these blogs.
So if you're looking for some stellar blogs...

The Killing Moon

The Road is Home(was we live young)

Spell and Gypsy

In Search Of Sadie

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summertimes and Party times

So of course I just get to fl and already the jack and coke is flowing.
I love my friends. They always make sure I have a good time
Don't worry we were all very responsible.

This is just the beginning of of the many summer pictures that will be taken.

more to come...

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I leave for fl tomorrow my Kittens.

I'm so pumped.
I love airports. I don't know why but I find them so much fun. It's like a small adventure in itself. 
Anywho. My bags are packed for my 3 month long voyage. I got my comfy yet chic airplane outfit all ready to go. I'm hoping security wont stop me for wearing my spiky shoes...Idk they kind of do look like weapons. 

My game plan is to get to the airport on time. Get some starbucks, some magazines a snack or two and listen to my new fab summer playlist. 
I'm ready. I'm so ready I don't think I can go to sleep. 

Ugh. I wish it was tomorrow right now.
And i will be sure to document my time there with many pictures of course. I will be going on many adventures including bahamas, cali, north carolina, Lake Geneva Wisconsin, attending a few concerts and of course causing mischief randomly. It's going to be stellar. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Officially done with my first year at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts.


I've played many faces.

I have my final scene to do tonight at 6.
It's also my audition to get into next year.
I'm so scared.
My heart is racing.
I need this to go well.

But other than that...


It's crazy how fast this year has went. I've learned so much. I feel I have really grown as an actor and has a person. I'm more dedicated than ever.

It was hard but I made it. People don't realize how hard it is to do what I want to do. It takes a lot out of you. It does change you. For me it has changed me for the better. I really feel stronger and more confident in my talents. but at the same time I feel uneasy and unsure about everything. I know that makes no sense.
I guess it's hard to explain.
I can't wait to be in stuff and show the world, my family and friends that I can do this. And that I am GOOD at this. I know they "know" already but they haven't really seen me do it.
They haven't seen me
really work

to really jump into something that's not me at all.

During this school year I have played

-A lesbian in the 30's
- A broke and messed up sister trying to take care of her coke head brother
- Cleopatra
- a betrayed broken hearted girl
- a housewife
- a mental patient
and many more.

All these parts challenged me in different ways. And i learned something new about myself each and every time.
I can't wait to learn more.

I leave for FL on friday. See you all soon =) <3

This is my beautiful section 5 that I had the honor of working with second semester.